On May 7, 2009 I will return to Papua New Guinea. I never dreamed I'd have the opportunity to return.
It's been almost 19 years.
My husband and I took our two little girls to this far away land back in 1988. Brenna and Kalie were 3 and 1 years old. Wade went to be a teacher at the missionary kid school at Ukarumpa. After a few months he became the youth director. Our lives were rich there. We met so many wonderful people: folks we are still in contact with.
In fact, one of the students on this trip was born while we were in PNG. :) Little baby Whitney - sorry Whitney...that's the last time on this blog - I promise.
The reason for this journey is just amazing no matter which way you look at it. I work at George Fox University. We have a 'junior's abroad' program that takes students on tourist jaunts to various locations around the world.
This year the drama professor, Rhett Luedtke, planned a theatre focused trip to PNG. You see he too spent some time in this crazy land. His father, Todd, is going to be there with us as well. In fact, thanks to him our journey is going to be even more spectacular as he has gone before us to pave the path: and teach at the Lutheran Seminary in Lae.